Sunday, October 2, 2016

Number Talks

Number Talks:  A number talk is a great way to begin a lesson.  The heart of a number talk is in the classroom conversation focused on making sense of mathematics and strengthening accuracy, efficiency, and flexibility with mental math and computation strategies.   A simple kindergarten number talk might consist of showing a ten frame like the one below for just a few seconds and then asking "What did you see?  How did you see it?   Can you explain?" 

A number talk for older students might begin by writing 48 + 93= ___    or 254 ÷ 4 = ____  on the board and asking students to use mental math strategies to solve in their head.  Allow multiple students to give answers and post all different the answers on the board.   Ask if anyone would like to explain how they got their answer.  Students should be willing to take risks.   It is not about always having the correct answer, but it is about being able to communicate the process used to find the answer.    Sherry Parrish is the author of the book Number Talks.   The book is worth purchasing but here is a link to a fabulous introductory article on Number Talks by Ms. Parrish  and a few links to videos of sample number talks.

Video 1: Two Digit Mental Addition
Video 2:  Adding One Digit Numbers
Video 3: Kindergarten Number Talk
Video 4: 4th or 5th Grade Number Talk on Division

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